Project Pokédex

This project focuses on assembling the Canadian terrestrial metaweb and will, in a way, be a ‘testing ground’ for some of the concepts from other projects (i.e phylogenetic inference of ecological interactions through network embedding, more so the idea of using a t-SVD as the basis of this process) as well as incorporating some of the points outlined and discussed in chapter two. This project forms part of a CIEE working group and, in addition to this prediction focused component will also feature an expert elicitation project which will be and used as a complement to the computational approach. These different approaches will ultimately be combined into one metaweb to rule them all.


We’ve been doing some interim work with the mammalian component of the

Tanya Strydom
Tanya Strydom
Postdoctoral Researcher

Self-diagnosed theoretical ecologist, code switcher (both spoken and programmatic), artistic alter-ego, and peruser of warm beverages.

Poisot Lab
Poisot Lab
Quantitative and computational ecology lab headed by Timothée Poisot
